-Our ❤-



有 1 直看我部落格的你们  有没有发现 1 件事情 ?
我  好久  好久  都没特意提起他了
对我来说  是好现象吧

我和他  争执少了   关系改善了
虽然偶尔会不满意 1 些事情
因为游戏而完全无视我  因为游戏忘了答应我的事
不过我累了  因为我了解某些性格真的很难改
很多事情  要经历过才知道

等他再成熟 1 些吧.

与他之间的感情  变得平稳平淡
他  喜欢更简单 1 点

不过我依然期待惊喜 : p

他变了 , 我知道的 :)

双子对你的爱 , 是需要时间细心酝酿.

我  懂了.


Accident :(

Oh mama ! Very bad luck recently !
Seems like all bad thing has come to me :(

Today ,I planned not to step out my house even a boss ask me to interview at thier shop which is nearby my house. The big hot Sun is killing me .
After a few hours , my friend - POKEMON  give me a phone number , and she told me that her godbro'S office need people because his gf is pregnant .
Well , I called and he ask me interview by the next day .
I not sure where is it so that I just ask for the address , afterwards I just grab my car's key and told my mom I go out for awhile.
I stil remember my mom said ' please chnge ur cloth ' ( I was wearing my stupid tshirt n pants ) She asked me to do so because she says we don't knw what will happen on next second . ( means if got any accident that i hv to get out from car )
Well , I ignored her and went out , and I forget about I'd promosie myself not to going out before The sun disappear from my eyes sight .

Wow , sunlight is fighting with me and suddenly ..... '' pang !! ''
Yea , is an accident , I kissed people's ass ! ==''
My first reaction : SHIT !!

That malay uncle get out from car ask say ' turun turun ' .....
arghhhh !! centre of the road ...... thoudsand of car was passed by there ...
Damn !! And very lucky , got two police man is just not far from us .... yea lucky -.- !! So , he ask tht two police man come to us and ask me stay theree don't go anywhere ==!!! Sir , I'm not goin anywhere !

After that , police man ask me ' dik , nak macam mana ? nak report keh apa ? '
Police ar police , if don't want report tak kan u want me run away? lolx
So , I Called papa and then go to police station .... What a Hot hot day !! ><''
I still very calm and dint drop any tears :D
After 2hours , finally done my report and papa said directly go to his friend's shop to repair our car ==!! arghhhh.....I can't accept I have to face so many people with this look ! what the xxxx .... but I had no choices ==!!

When I reached there , they show me shocked face ~~~
what so shock worrr~~~ never see people accident mehhhh....not so serious also , least I still can drive ==
Well , they told me if repair have to take about 2weeks times ==!!! OMG
2weeks......thn how was my business....eveything will stuck ...
Without car , I just like a dead body ~~~~~~~

Bless Me :(

Lastly , hmmm ... sorry to my dad.

p/s : I didn't take any photo of my car coz my phone is spoiled too !!! Recently what also rosak !!!!



最近的我,就像堆懒泥. 我过着自己想要的生活 , 我选择的生活.
然而 , 我什么都没有. 什么都没得到.
你认为我很快乐吗? 过着自己选择的生活1定快乐吧.
讽刺的是 , 我根本不敢面对 .是我太懦弱 . 
多少次我哭得崩溃 , 因为周遭的人和事物所逼 . 
更可悲的是 , 当眼泪使命的流 , 我翻开通讯录 , 200个名字除掉家人以外 , 没有人 .
赫然发现 , 我朋友很少 ,少得重新看过 1 遍 , 还是没有人.
我笑了 , 却舍不得删除 . 究竟这现象持续了多久?

庆幸的是 , 这生活让我更清楚身边每个人的性格.
哈哈 , 为什么呢 ? 因为太多多余的时间 .
他们的性格 , 思想 , 待人处事 ... 我观察得好彻底 .
不过 , 这不见得是好事 , 因为我对身边的人产生反感  :(
最看不惯幼稚 , 怎么办?

发生了太多太多事 , 心情也好难形容.
鼻头又 1 阵酸 ....
我想狠狠的发泄 , 歇嘶底里的呐喊.....

说真的 , 看着自己


所以说   4 季是真的



至少 , 是我熟悉的秋天 :)



Helo July !

Helo July!

A brand New month

Hope everything go smoothly.