Today,I Woke up early and follow mama to UTC
Actually I only slept for 1 hours last night because of some Bitch stuff
Sleep on 6am wake up on 7am
Nice one xD I Guess I'm Iron Woman.
Happy perfect day mama papa xD
12.30pm,Babe come fetch mii
*As he promise,today we are going to Queensbay Mall vv*
After that we go to fetch ahcong and rongzheng
Ahcong wanna go there meet his GF too ^^
but rongzheng wil lonely because Nicol working
*I'm stil not in Mood that time*
We are Crazy in da car.
OhYEA,Got another pair of Couple also, KZ n ARMY
I Forget what time we are reaching there but I know vry fast ==
We got no idea when step in Queensbay Mall
Then rongzheng bring us to 北海道 eat Ice Cream
Thanks rz becuase I like the flavour he introduce
The taste just like my GREEN TEA FRAP *Nice one*
After makan Ice Cream, we went to Old town
IceLemonTea was Suck and Babe order de Wheat grass also SUCK ==
At the same time,we are waiting for Cong's gf too.
Finally,She reached.
Very talkative gal and I stil dint get used to it
Anyway,as long Cong like it.
after that we having lunch,but how pity is that rz kena seperate by us.
he is follow cong them and mii,babe,kz,amy is together.
After having lunch,we start jalan jalan.
Actually today I want dating mia
I mean only YOU and ME one ==
at last also.......
forget it bah...~
After that we walk around and I bought a jacket cost me RM29.
They not come here to shopping so they feel bored.
I'm so babe look tired =[
By the way,I feel the warmest and sweetness from you today.
Feel weirdo coz you got abit diffrence today if compare with narmal you xD
Thanks for you bought me baby boy Patrick to0
At last we leaved Queesbay Mall at 6.30 because we need to bring Cong's gf back to Baling.
Funny stuff all happen in da car =]
Baling is where?I Asked myself and babe
and answer is duno..
*skip those detail*
When we thought we reach Baling,and then we saw sign board write
I Feel like Laughing When I turn my head to babe
he just all quesntion mark on his head and shock face xDD
Never know we all come THAILAND
5~10min can reach THAILAND,Nice one! xDD
After drop Cong's gf,we go to petronas jalan awhile if not bone wil broke
all tired face xDD
we both talk til boh lat dy
When we reached SP already 1030pm
and then we went to Nasmir and I Almost fall asleep there ><''
Finally I reach home at 12am
hapii today but damn tired.
What a Nice 10 10 10 =]
Catching animal == |
pic taken by ARMY |
half rz and no kz xD | |
kz n army.
The best adik dan abang xD |
He is alwyz COOL =] |
^^ |
patrick head =] |
Nice body he got xDDDD
pic taken by RZ and thanks coz I LOVE IT
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